Sunday, January 25, 2009

Civic Engagement Fair

The Civic Engagement Fair was a lot different from what I thought it would be. There were many more organizations than I had anticipated and a lot more students attending. I spoke with three different organizations, the League of Women Voters (LWV), The St. Pete Little Theater (SPLT) and The St. Petersburg Downtown Residents Civic Association (SPDRCA), all of which I found very interesting.

The SPDRCA had a lot of great ideas about how to help improve the downtown area. I had never heard about this organization before but it definitely sounded like a good group to work with. The LWV was also very interesting. I never knew what the league actually did and now that I do I think it would also be a great organization to work with. My favorite organization was the SPLT. I participated in theater in high school and I think I would really enjoy working with them. They could use help with creating brochures, programs and pamphlets which would be a great way to incorporate technical writing. I really enjoyed my time at the fair and I learned a lot.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Did You Know" Video Response

The "Did You Know" video was pretty interesting. It was also a little intimidating and frightening. The thought of all the new technology coming out in the very near future is overwhelming to say the least. I am just now getting used to the basic uses of a computer and they are saying within 50 years there will be supercomputers that are smarter than the entire human race combined! That is so mind blowing to me.

I like what it did by comparing the US with the populations in China and India. It is very easy to think of our country as the best, smartest and most advanced when in actuality there are more gifted kids in those countries than are are kids in the US.

When it comes to technology I worry about what the future will be like. In fifty years is it going to be like some of the movies made where technology takes over the world? Probably not but it seems more and more like the possibility is out there.

The thing in the video that struck me the most was the comment made that in one year Nintendo spent double the money doing research for its products than the US government gave to schools. That is absolutely ridiculous. There is more money put into technology and artificial intelligence than is put into actual human intelligence and education. While technology is important and beneficial, isn't it more important to make sure future citizens have the education to come up with new technology in the future? Or even just the education so they can use it.

Chapter 1 Response

The first chapter focused on exactly what service learning is and how to incorporate a service learning into a writing class. I was skeptical at first as to how that would work but I definitely understand it much better now.

I did service learning in high school but what we had to do was very similar to the first approach described in the chapter. We had to volunteer then write reflectively about it after the fact. In this class I think we are doing the third approach, the Stanford model.

The descriptions of the three different models of service learning were very helpful. It helped me understand the difference between what is expected in this course as far as service learning and what I did in high school for service learning. Also, the example about the zoo project helped to clarify the third model.

What I had a hard time understanding was how we can provide a writing service to an organization. The examples helped but I think I need more of an explanation, or perhaps just more examples, to fully understand this.

Overall the first chapter was very helpful and pretty much cleared up all the initial questions and concerns that I had. I'm sure as I read more in the book it will give a more precise and clear explanation of what the Stanford model is.

"Rhetoric: An Overview" Response

After reading the piece on rhetoric I have a much better understanding of what it is. It is, however, still a little unclear to me so I don't think I understand it completely.

What I got from the piece is that rhetoric is using language in different ways in order to affect the target audience in a specific way. Most of the choices we make about rhetoric are unconscious and something we do based upon the type of paper we are writing and who we are writing to.

The most helpful thing in the piece was the descriptions of purpose, audience and context. These are the three things you need to know in order to rhetorically analyze a writing piece. There was a good amount of detail describing what each means and how to do it.

What I still don't understand is how to rhetorically analyze. What is the difference between analyzing a paper and rhetorically analyzing a paper? Is there a difference? I understand what rhetoric is I just don't understand how to use it or identify it.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Technical Writing

The word technical means precise and professional. It describes the basic ideas and techniques of a process.

The word communication describes a way to express ideas, interests, thoughts, etc. These thoughts and ideas can be expressed through words, spoken and written, movements, art and many other mediums.

Therefore, technical communication means the basic techniques and ways to communicate.

The concept of technical communication is very important in every aspect of life and education. It is important to know how to communicate in an effective way in every part of life, especially in the field of education. Knowing the basics of communication and how to be precise and professional is necessary in order to live a successful life.